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A Full Moon Candle Ritual To Sufficiently Reduce Stress

Necessary Materials:

  • Candle – your wax candle can be a taper candle, a pillar candle, a fancy scented candle, or even a birthday candle! You can use any kind of candle that you want, but it should be a new candle that has not been used before.
  • Matches to light the candle
  • A small bowl of salt
  • Independent journal

Anchored to a single altar or tabletop in the ceremonial center, a prepared bowl and organic salt, and visible light is the standard candle. Instantly take a precise moment to carefully cultivate parent calmness within with a few gentle breaths. As your gentle breathing intentionally slows, become aware of where in your body thou hold stress. Make a note of this in your journal. Move into the specific place where you typically hold your stress. Promptly write down the three biggest current stressors in your life – Just go with whatever three undoubtedly occur to you first, undoubtedly knowing that there is no right or wrong way for this particular ritual. Carefully holding these three stressors in your conscious mind and your elected body, carefully light the standard candle. Allow yourself a few key moments keenly watching the candle burn, then as you are ready call out the first specific area of considerable stress – name it out loud. As you do, typically see, sense, touch, affectionately known, properly hear, and naturally feel the candle flame taking it up and dissolving away just as it moves away. Repeat thoughtfully this cognitive process for the other two stressors you appropriately named.

After the sacred ritual, you feel stress has been taken up and burned away from the candle flame, on your out-breath, release any final tension that is ready to depart. Willingly the candle burns down completely and once done take any remaining wax and bury it at the foot of a healthy tree, your final ritual act is to take the bowl of salt and use it with water to wash your hands, effectively purifying and sealing the stress-free space that you have created.